We’ve seen some exciting progress over the past couple of weeks. First of all, the groundwater problem that had brought the project to a halt was fixed after we had some super smart engineer guys come out and tell us what to do. Several days and several thousand dollars later we were clear to pour our footers for the new brewing building as planned.
Pouring concrete footers.
Shortly after we started pouring footers a truck showed up with our new boiler on it. The boiler will generate pressurized steam which will be piped into the steam jackets on our brew house for use in boiling wort and mashing grain.
Casey, a large human, stands in front of the boiler to provide perspective.
It was terrifying to watch the delivery people hook chains and ropes to this expensive and delicate piece of equipment then hoist it off the back of the truck into the air. There were a few agonizing moments when our new boiler was swinging and wobbling around, but it eventually landed safely in our warehouse where it will wait for the building housing the brewery to be finished (when it will be hoisted and swung through the air one last gut-wrenching time.)
A view of our building from Adamo.
With the footers for the new building poured, the erectors showed up to begin working on the erection of the steel building that will house the brewing equipment. I’m amazed at how fast those guys work. Next time you drive down Adamo past our site, you wont be able to miss the sight of the steel going up.
As our steel erection progressed, though, we took a close look at the calendar and realized we just can’t have the building ready by our originally scheduled equipment delivery date of January 20th. We need time for concrete to set and protective floor coatings to dry. Luckily, our equipment manufacturer was able to push the delivery date back a few weeks. We’re now planning on a February 10th delivery date and a target opening date in April instead of March. Delays are no fun, but we have to accept what we can’t change.
Wort kettle loading.
Speaking of equipment, Rolec finished building our brew house and snapped a few photos as they loaded it up for it’s long voyage across the ocean to Tampa, bay. (If you like brewery equipment pics you can see more here.) Soon those steel tanks will make beautiful beer in Florida. Let’s all hope for calm seas and smooth sailing. (Part of Lagunitas’ new brew house was demolished during shipment not too long ago.)
The ship with our first load of brewing equipment began it’s voyage on Dec. 25th. The birth of the christ child and our brewing equipment heading out into the world on the same day? Sounds like a good omen to me.
A group of good samaritans helped us drink up our extra beer at the pop-up tasting.
And, finally, we hosted a surprise pop-up tasting at our place the other day. We announced the event 24 hours ahead of time on Facebook and wondered if anyone would show up. We were thrilled to see so many people packed into our offices drinking beer and eating burgers. I estimate the number of attendees through out the evening at 200+, although our accountant, Dave, says it was more like 80. (You can choose which of us is better at counting things.)
Thanks to all who came out. We had lots of fun meeting new people, and we appreciate hearing your thoughts on the beer. We intend to continue to give our Facebook and Twitter friends special access to events and merchandise in the future. Keep an eye out on our Twitter and Facebook pages for announcements. We’re already planning the next pop-up tasting.
By the time I post my next update the building should be almost done. (cross your fingers we don’t hit any more delays.) As always, we appreciate you checking in on us. May the new year bring you glad tidings and good beer.
– Kent