I write to you today on the eve of D-Day. Not the invasion of Europe, but Coppertail Brewing’s Co.’s own D-Day, the Delivery Day for our brewing equipment. Tomorrow, trucks bearing giant steel tanks and metal containers full of equipment to build our brewhouse will begin off-loading their contents whether we’re ready or not. Our focus the past few weeks has been making sure the brewing equipment has somewhere to go. The building has to be ready. We needed new concrete floors, trench drains, a protective and sanitary floor coating. We were even missing the basics: walls, a roof, and water and sewer connections. We had serious doubts about whether it could be done in time.
The building, one month ago.
A moment ago I stood in the new brewing building and surveyed the slightly tacky, still drying floors; the block walls with black, wet mortar; the new steel paneling that’s still missing a few pieces; and I’m pleased to report we’re ready. (enough)
And it’s a good thing, too. As I’m writing this one of the D-Day trucks has arrived early. It’s evening and we can’t unload the truck until the heavy rigging equipment gets here in the morning. The driver, Rick, has parked his flatbed tractor trailer bearing one of our bright beer tanks behind our warehouse where he tells me he’ll sleep until morning.
A bright tank shows up early!
Tomorrow the trucks will begin lining up behind him. Tomorrow there will be ropes and pulleys, chains and hoists. Tomorrow there will be spitting and cursing, sweating and shouting. Tomorrow we build a brewery.
I’m glad Rick can sleep tonight. I’m not sure I will.
Wish us luck this week. We’ll need it. We’ll keep you updated on how it’s going via twitter @coppertail and facebook.