Introducing the newest member of the brewery team, Dave Iwansky. 

We needed a little eye candy around the office so we brought my friend Dave in to keep the books.  I’ve known Dave since we were kids and there’s no one I trust more to watch over the money.  His past experience includes working in accounting for USA Today and the Airline Tarrif Publishing Company, both in the Washington DC area.  We lured him and his family down here with the promise of backbreaking physical labor in addition to the usual accounting stuff, and the occasional half priced beer in the tap room.

Dave is a numbers guy who is passionate about craft beer and excited about helping the craft beer community in Tampa grow.  Also, he sometimes likes to stick brewery stickers on his butt after drinking too much craft beer. See!? He really does this. 

The other big news is renovations are officially underway.  We even have a fence and a Port-o-potty to prove it. I never thought I’d be so happy to see a Port-O-Potty on our property.

Our friends at SALT Construction are working on some demolition.  Then, they’ll renovate the brewery area and build out the tasting room.  As I write this people are taking the fire sprinkler system in the back room apart.  We should have some dramatic progress  pics in the coming months.

And, on Dave’s first day on the job, he managed to hit one of the new fences, shattering his side view mirror.

Nice first day on the job for Dave. Don’t worry.  We do not intend to dock his pay for the damage done to the fence. Also, the planning stage of this brewery is just about done.   Our Architect-Extraordinaire, Joe Hafner just sent over some updated layout drawings.  Here’s a pic of the brewing area:

And Rolec, the company making our brewing equipment, just sent over some cool 3d imagery of what it should look like.

I sure hope Casey knows how some of this stuff works. Our friend Charlie Schiller, of Charlie Schiller design and Schiller’s Salvage recently stopped by and gave our office a complete makeover.  I’m sure the new energy of the office area will be reflected in the beer.  Thanks, Charlie!

Office area reborn thanks to Charlie Schiller. We almost look like a real company now.

Lots of things going on around here the last few weeks.  We might just make this craft brewery happen!  And, I envision, the next few weeks will be even busier.  Brewmaster Casey Hughes allegedly starts work on Monday.  I should be back with more updates soon.  Drink a cold one for me on the 4th and thanks for checking in on us!

– Kent
