We hosted our second annual Stone Crab Stout Boil with Loko Cuisine last night and OMG! Not only was is a blast, it was, well... delicious.
We can't thank John, owner and Chef at Loko Cuisine enough for preparing a tasty menu to accompany the freshly caught stone crabs that emerged from our boil. Our Brewmaster Casey traveled to Key West personally to load up 200 pounds of freshly caught stone crabs from none other than Captain Jack himself.
Assistant Brewers Derrick and Matthew timed the brew day just right for Casey's arrival, seconds after Casey arrived at Coppertail, they were ready for the claws to be added to the boil. It doesnt get any more Florida fresh than this.
Casey and Derrick add fresh crab claws to Captain Jack's Stone Crab Stout.
Casey pulling some of Captain Jack's crab claws from the boil.
Fresh from the boil. Casey, Mike and Derrick get the claws on ice so that they can safely transported to our Loft where John, of Loko Cuisine, will serve them to guests that attended our Captain Jack's Stone Crab Boil Dinner.
John, of Loko Cuisine, and Casey crack a few claws to ensure that they are perfect and ready to hit the table for our guests.
If you attended our Captain Jack's Stone Crab Stout Boil/Dinner, we thank you so much for coming and hope that you had a delicious time. We are already looking forward to next year!
If you couldn't make it this time, keep an eye out for our next event with John of Loko Cuisine. We will be hosting a delicious steakhouse style dinner in February.