Casey tries one more time to fix something before just smashing it with that big red mallet.
There’s no getting around it. We hit a few more delays. I could tell you our tales of woe – water got into our grain conveyor and turned our grist to glue on the way to the mash kettle, a batch of yeast decided to go on strike and quit, a burglar broke into the brewery one night and stole all our tools, then some pumps broke but we didn’t have the tools to fix them. (Don’t worry, we got plenty of video of the burglar and he was brought to justice AFTER he’d already sold all our tools.)
I could go on about all the mishaps that have befallen us, but that won’t get the beer into your glass any quicker. The bottom line is, we’ve been working through a few hiccups on the new equipment and we’re almost ready to start releasing beer.
Signage by SBC Signworks helps keep everything looking sharp but also helps you identify the tanks during a brewery tour. We want those things to be educational and fun.
Our latest schedule is as follows:
End of August: We’ll start getting draft beer out to local bars.
Also, we’ll open a small, temporary tasting room so people can gather for tours and taste the beer.
September: We’re planning another free pop-up tasting and it’s shaping up to be the best one yet. Keep an eye on our social media for details.
November: We’re scheduled to open our real tasting room and throw a grand opening party. (You’re invited.)
Dave. taking a big ol' yeasty swig of unfinished beer.
Also, in November we hope to start getting our bottled beer on a shelf near you.
In the meantime we’ll keep brewing on our small pilot system, and working hard to get the big system up and running. We hope to see you at a local beer fest or tasting soon.
Cheers, and, as always, thanks for keeping an eye on us.
– Kent