Where there is steam, there shall soon be beer.
2 years of hard work and we’re finally here: cleaning tanks, and testing the new system. That means we’re close. Real close. Our first real brew on the big system is scheduled for next week.
When do we open?
That’s the question that we hear most often now, the question that haunts us in our sleep. Here’s our current timeline:
Mid-July: We’ll have kegged beer rolling out the door to select local bars. (Remember to start asking your bartender about us.)
August: We’ll open a small, temporary tasting room at our brewery to give visitors someplace to drink a beer and gather for a tour. (Details on exact date and hours of operation to follow.)
November: We’ll open our permanent tasting room and throw a grand opening party. (We’ll announce more info on this as soon as we know it.)
What kinds of beer are we going to make?
Thanks in large part to your feedback at pop-up tastings and beer fests we’ve finally picked four favorites out of our pilot beers to form our core lineup. These are the four beers we plan to start selling to local bars next month:
Our first grain delivery!
1. Free Dive IPA – 5.9%: A bright malt backbone paired with loads of citrusy hops. Low bitterness with an intense Citra, Azacca hop aroma. With alcohol under 6% and a super dry, clean finish, this IPA always leaves us wanting another glass.
2. Unholy Trippel – 9.5%: Based on the classic Belgian Trippel originally brewed in monasteries but with a sacrilegious American hop character. Fruity, funky notes from the belgian yeast combine with west coast hop aroma to provide a smooth drinking beer that packs a punch. This has been our most popular offering at almost every beer fest.
3. Night Swim Porter – 5.7%: Rich and roasty with Cocoa nibs in the boil. Bold flavor notes of chocolate and coffee. Because sometimes you just need something dark and decadent.
4. Wheatstroke Wheat Ale – 4.8%: Maximum use of wheat in the grain bill with hints of Florida citrus and a touch of corriander in the boil. Designed for hot weather crushability.
If you’ve come to any of our pop-ups or fests, thanks for you input. We hope you’ll find something you like in the lineup. If you don’t see one of your favorites there don’t worry. We plan to release a number of special beers throughout the year like our Oyster Stout, barrel-aged brett beers, etc.
Assistant Brewer, Derrick Gough, and his wife, Erin Gough, serve up beer at a local beer fest while some weird guy crowds into the picture (on the left.)
If you haven’t had a beer with us at a fest, yet, why not? We’ll be at the Bad A** Beer Fest in Oldsmar June 28th.
Stay tuned in the coming days for some sneak peeks of our bottle label and tap handle designs in progress.
We can’t wait to brew up some beer for you!